A Blueprint to Success

Everyone has dreams. Things that they want to accomplish in their life.

Graduate High School.

Graduate College.

Get a Job.

Get Married.

Have Children.

Okay. So this list is pretty generic. But you have to admit that these are on most people’s lists of things to do in their life. Their bucket lists. Of course, everyone’s is unique in their own way.

Get a Tattoo.

Join the Peace Corps.

Travel the World.

But how many people actually complete these lists? Probably not many. It’s sad to think about. It’s sad to think that there are dreams out there in this world that won’t be accomplished because of time, money, etc. It sucks that there are constraints to our lives that we have absolutely no control over. Opportunity and luck are sometimes a very important part of the journey. Of our ability to strive for more and fulfill our biggest hopes and ambitions.

I have dreams. I have aspirations. Just like everyone else.

To Start My Own Food Shop. Cafe. Restaurant. Deli. Diner. What have you.

It’s obtainable. People do it every day. People also fail at it every day. You can’t just do something because you want to do it. There needs to be a plan. An outline. A blueprint to success.

I’ve started this blueprint. I’ve finally put pen to paper. I’ve drawn that first line.

I’ve had a conversation. I’ve gotten the ball rolling.

Hopefully it doesn’t stop.


Happy Weekend, Everyone!

This post is different than most, I know. But I enjoyed writing it. Hopefully, you enjoyed reading it.

As most people know, opening up any sort of food business requires recipe testing and what not. That’s the stage I am at right now. One recipe at a time. Perfection is the goal.

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I believe I’ve started at the hardest one. Croissants. So many elements go into making the perfect croissant. My first go around was pretty successful. It’s a good starting point. Once I have them perfected, I’ll share the recipe with you all, but for now you’ll just have to wait in anticipation.

Until next time…

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